Vegg'in Out

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
We're setting records over here with our new blu-ray/surround sound system. Currently our media room only has one couch, but we have managed to fit 4 people and 1 73 lb Weim on it.  Picture this: Mom, Jeff, Liz, and Ross ALL on the couch with Roma spread out on our laps. Bonding time indeed. Too bad I didn't have my camera.
We watched District 9 last night. I can't say I loved the movie, but it was original and had a unique perspective on what might happen if aliens and humans were to coexist on earth. At first, I hated the ending , but I must admit, it grew on me. If British accents and aliens are your thing, then District 9 is for you!

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HBD to Claire and Ross!

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