Let me Play

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Steph L. came over for dinner and we had such a good time eating (fish tacos, beans, and cilantro rice), drinking wine, and carrying on about all life's ups and downs that now it's late and I need to get to bed. Here are a couple more lakehouse pictures for you!

Can you tell what's going on in this picture?
How about now...?

It was raining at the lakehouse on Sunday and Roma just stood at the front door with a sad face, longing to go out and play, watching the drizzle pitter patter on the deck. 

Stokes McMillian, a good Huebel family friend, finished his BOOK and recently got it published. Ross took it to the lakehouse and couldn't put it down... I'm next :)

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HBD to Claire and Ross!

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