Cold weekend when you're CAMPING!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010
We saw Dad off to the airport tonight after an action-packed weekend out at the ranch. (If anyone has a suggestion for a name other than, "The Ranch" I'm all ears. Let me know.) We headed out there early Friday morning. It was beautiful weather and I got lots of pictures, Dad got a tour of the land, Ross and Adam planted seed in new food plots, and the Huebel parents got some R&R around the campfire.  We celebrated some birthdays with cake. We all went to bed with full bellies and happy thoughts. Things changed about 3 am when a series of thunderstorms rolled in. There was lightening, thunder, pelting rain, and WIND... 30+ mph winds!! Ross and I were sleeping in the old trailer we have out there and the wind was shaking us around. All I could think about was the others in the tents outside. The temperature had dropped to the low thirties when I crawled out of the warmth of my bed. It was cold, wet, and windy. I checked in with the others and I think the average amount of sleep we had gotten was 4 hours. It was a unanimous vote to head home a day early.   We left after attending the annual property owners meeting in town. That was a pretty funny experience in and of itself. It turned out to be a great 1 day trip to the ranch and I'm glad my dad finally got to see the place that is SOOOSO important to Ross... (and me). I will post pictures soon.

Ross cooked up a pretty stellar dinner of Spanish Seafood Paella for Dad before he left.

It was so good! Fresh shrimp, asparagus, red bell pepper, chicken, sausage.... The saffron gave it a nice subtle yellow color. The rice was crispy on the bottom, just as paella should be. Two thumbs up Ross!

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HBD to Claire and Ross!

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