Trivia Time

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I have some fun trivia for everyone...

Which state has the lowest population density in America?

What state's coastline extends over 6,600 miles, longer than the coast of the rest of the US?

Which state has the largest national forest in the US?

What state's official flower is the "forget-me-not?"

In 1867 the US purchased which state from Russia for $7.2MM?

What state's official gemstone is jade?

Which state is 2.5 times larger than Texas?

Which state's official game is dog mushing?

Which state receives almost 24 hours a day of sunlight during the summer solstice?

Do you know the answer to these questions??? I'll give you a hint... The answer to all these questions is the same. Ok, I'll give you another hint, ROSS AND ROMA AND I ARE MOVING THERE LATER THIS YEAR!!!!


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