Sore Muscles and a P90X adventure

Monday, August 23, 2010
All my muscles are aching today due to a) wakeboarding (for less than 10 cumulative minutes yesterday) and b) I'm on Week #3 of P90X.... (there are 13 weeks in the program. ahhhh).  I was having trouble scrubbing a pot after dinner because my arms are so sore. Ross told me to toughen up. I still had to clean the pot too...
I'm doing P90X, mainly to change up my workout routine. The most challenging thing has been the time commitment-- over an hour, 6 days a week. It's made for some pretty late dinners. The other big challenge is the tons of pull- ups. I can't even do 1 unassisted pull-up, so that is my new goal out of this madness. Do 1 pull-up!!! Right now I have to push on a chair to hoist myself up each time. One day.... Stay tuned.

Roma's also been doing the workouts with me :)

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