My weekend drink

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The thing I miss the most about weekends once they pass by is the lackadaisical wake-up-- sans alarm clock. For me, sleeping in is about 9 AM, if I'm lucky. On the otherhand, Ross has been known to hibernate well into the morning (he often combines breakfast and lunch into one meal). Miss Roma doesn't like to sleep much past 9 and she knows who to bug in the morning (and who NOT to bug) when it's her tinkle time. Needless to say, I usually have some quiet time on Saturday mornings. I like to make a big bowl of oatmeal and fire up my latte machine. Oh yes, I LOVE lattes. I think it helps me start my day on the right foot...

It's definitely a process, which involves a couple more steps than I'm willing to do before work, so the latte remains my weekend treat. Cheers!

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