Game Day

Monday, February 7, 2011
Like millions of other Americans, we also tune in to watch the Superbowl in Alaska :) Friend Josh (aka Uncle Josh to Roma) had a little get together at his house. Lots of people, clashing team alliances, an abundance of food & beer, multiple tvs... Let's play!

Look at those pretty ladies-- now look at the guys. Complete focus. Priceless.

Best seats in the house

Not too happy with that fumble.

The epitome of superbowl parties...Love the Ross.

I brought these Golden Graham S'mores Bars to the festivity.  These bars are a play on Rice Krispie treats and similarly, are super easy to make. Sometimes chocolate is just necessary. The S'mores seemed to be a hit because they were all GONE by halftime :)

Ross made homemade roasted salsa and red pepper hummus with fresh pita chips. I think that the salsa might have been a tad spicy for the Alaska folks, but I really enjoyed it...

So, workout tomorrow, anyone? :)

On another note, my interior decorator (aka MOM) is coming in March. It's official now that she has a plane ticket. We're pretty excited. To sweeten the deal, Ross kindly offered to foot the bill for a snowboard lesson for her too... However, I'm pretty sure Ross is going to be able to hang onto that $40.
BUT never say never...

1 comment

  1. Liz...should your mom take Ross up on the lessons, I want to see pictures and a video. It would so totally make my day. BTW, I would take Ross up on the lessons! ~Julie :-D


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