Stateside Again

Monday, May 7, 2012
After 48 hours of travel time, we are back in Anchorage!! Here's what the last 2 days entailed:

1. Drive from All Days, South Africa to Polokwani, South Africa Saturday morning (2hrs)
2. Catch flight from Polokwani to Johannesburg (45 min flight, 8hr layover) 
3. Fly Johannesburg to Amsterdam (9 hr flight, 3 hr layover)
4. Fly Amsterdam to Minneapolis, Minnesota (8.5 hr flight, 6 hr layover)
5. Fly Minneapolis to Anchorage (5.5 hr flight, Arrive 1am Monday morning)

Trip of a lifetime, especially because we went with Robby and Steph :)

I will be posting pictures over the next several days/weeks I'm sure!

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