The Elusive

Monday, May 28, 2012
I've alluded to the fact that the Kudu was the hardest animal to hunt. We hunted 3 straight days for Kudu. A couple nice animals revealed themselves during our Kudu hunts, so we killed those instead. BUT, it wasn't until the Kudu that I understood what hunting was really all about. I was so focused on getting Kudu, I didn't even snap many pictures that day for fear of spooking Kudu.

The day started out promising, I actually spotted a HUGE Kudu bull just after daybreak. However, Ross just didn't have a clear shot and he got away. I couldn't stop thinking about this guy all day. All I wanted to do is find this big one. For the rest of the day we saw so many Kudu, however none were "That" bull or shooters- rather females and younger males. Or in the words of PH Harry, "That's not what we're looking for...". Evening was approaching and we cornered a big buck in some thick brush. I could barely see at this point, but Ross and the PH were going at it. The next thing I know, the PH says "Take It".. BOOOOOM.

Yep, definitely wasn't covering my ears at that point. "What? Huh? I can't hear!! What's that ringing noise???!"

When we finally got to the Kudu, all of us were slightly disappointed because it wasn't the big one we spooked from the brush, it was a younger one that we'd seen earlier in the day. It was quite odd for me because I had all these hunting emotions (what is that and what are those?!!?).  Ross was explaining that's just the way hunting goes- you don't always get the big one, especially when that's what you want so bad. Sometimes these things just happen.

It was a good lesson, but for the last couple days we'd had such success with big, huge animals I was getting spoiled. Back to reality.

So I have mixed emotions with this Kudu, but I will always have a ton of stories in my head when I look at him staring back at me on my wall...

Kudu LOVE these salt licks

Ross and PH, Harry.

So many memories on this Kudu Bull.

1 comment

  1. Still looks pretty big to me! :) thanks for sharing your vacation with us. It's been fun reading all about it!


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