Off the Grid

Sunday, July 7, 2013
I'm not sure quite how to explain the elation you feel when you get to take a hot shower after 4 days in the wilderness. I don't get that feeling too often because I don't summon my inner "Explorer Dora" too much. Just enough to be dangerous :) 

We just got back from a four day float trip with friends. The itinerary was supposed to be 1 day float down the Little Nelchina River to the Nelchina River then across Tazlina Lake where we'd camp for 3 nights before floating out on the Tazlina River ~ 8 hours to the take-out point. But, due to extremely low water levels on the Little Nelchina we had to WALK/CARRY/LIFT the rafts down the river for about 4 miles on the first day, which ended up taking us 10+ hours. Day 1 was pretty awful, but as Ross put it to me "We only have one option and that is what we're doing." Needless to say, I'm not signing up for another float trip any time soon. I'm also going to pay slightly closer attention to the itinerary before departure. The joke among the ladies on the trip was that the "travel brochure" we got selling this float adventure advertised a relaxing float weekend, with lazy mornings and lots of fishing and what we got was something quite different. 

In the meantime I am so thankful to be in my own bed tonight with electricity and running water and no mosquitos. There were times throughout the weekend that I was wishing teleportation really existed, but it was not all bad I promise. We lucked out with the weather (until today), saw some amazing scenery, and hung out with a fun crowd. And now I can cross float adventure off my Alaska bucket list :) I will post pictures soon! 

1 year ago: Big Fish

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