Burton Wedding: Getting Ready

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
I snapped some pictures of Kaity and the other bridesmaids getting all dolled up before the wedding. We got ready in a nice big room at the Alyeska Resort, which also doubles as a yoga studio. (Yoga studio means lots of mirrors= perfect for a bunch of girls doing hair and make-up!).

Kaity's "official" photographer was really nice and I tried to stay out of her way when taking pictures. However, it pretty much made my day when she complemented my camera :)

Bridesmaid dresses.

Kaity wore some serious bling!

Sierra and Emily

The Dress.

A surprise gift from the groom's family, long-string fresh water pearl necklace

Groom's gift to Bride: Pearshaped Blue Topaz ring. Something blue!

Final Hair Pic

Sarah and Kaity

Anjili and Kaity

Sometimes I wish I had someone to do my hair and make-up when I roll out of bed in the morning. :)

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