Bug Update

Wednesday, April 17, 2013
No exciting posts this week... I've been on the couch the last 3 days. Sometimes you get those  bugs that just knock you off your feet. I am happy to report that I think the worst is over and I am starting to feel better.

At first Roma was excited because I've been staying home from work, but then she realized that didn't translate into trips to the dog park, so I think the excitement wore off. On these days "off" I've rediscovered morning television. Ok, I knew The Today Show and The View existed, I just didn't know they were still on and who the hosts were. Did you know that Barbara Walters is STILL on the view?? Did you know that Al Roker is skinny now? You can learn learn new things- even on sick days.

Hang in there, I hope to be back to regular posts next week!

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HBD to Claire and Ross!

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