Vancouver Le Duex

Monday, October 17, 2011
Vancouver is a really neat city-- it had a good feel too. It's got beautiful geography (like Alaska), but it doesn't snow (not like Alaska). There's numerous places to shop, eat, and go out. It's also a "Green" city with electric buses and Prius taxis. The highlights for me were Stanley Park and Salt, a really neat wine tasting place where we had second dinner :)

Here's more Vancouver pictures from our recent travels...

Overlooking the bridge. This would be a great nighttime shot. Next time...

Maple leaves everywhere!

Stanley Park Tree Huggers.

I wonder how this crept in there? New 4 door Porche. Just because it's beautiful.

Dinner at Chambar.

So Philly has Cheesesteaks and Canadians have Poutine? Yep, fries with cheese and gravy. Read more about it here.  We tried a very modern, upscale take on poutine, served with cilantro, blue cheese, peppercorns, and a balsamic "gravy"

Duck surrounded by gnocchi.

Bison tenderloin. Delish.

The wine tasting place was AMAZING. You get to choose meats, cheeses, and accompaniments from a chalkboard menu. OR you can let the master "pairers" choose the best combinations for you. We had so much fun here! I had a flight of reds and Ross had a flight of ports.

Steam Clock, run on a steam engine!

Great getaway.

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