Full Circle Produce

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
We got our first order of Full Circle produce today! Full Circle is a Farm to Market supplier that is big in Alaska. I wanted to try it out because grocery store produce is so hit or miss around here. When a Groupon for Full Circle came around I went ahead and got so Ross and I could do a trial run.

I found winter squash, kale, red beets, valencia oranges, leeks, gala apples, Italian parsley, Bartlett pears, Eggplant, tomatillos, green leaf lettuce, and flavorich pluots... pluots? what's that? The only thing unaccounted for, is the plum looking fruit, so that must be a pluot. Has anyone ever heard of a pluot before? Welp, my basket taught me something new.

You can get home delivery or you can choose from about 30 locations all over town. I'm just saying... in case you want a pluot too..

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