Eyeballs: Step...DONE

Thursday, May 13, 2010
MY EYES ARE DONE!!!!!! I never thought I'd be able to say it, but now I can. SO EXCITED.

Here is a comparison of what my eye looked like post-surgery compared to my other eye that had not yet been done. See the little pupil on the left? Today that pupil looks normal and I am seeing great!

Ross took this picture before bed time after both my eyes were done. They have you sleep with a shield on so that you don't accidently RUB your eyes at night. Rubbing is bad. A puppy face lick isn't the best either.

My vision got tested this morning at the post-op and I am now 20/20 in both eyes!!!  Ross and I are going to have a vision competition tomorrow. I hope I win.

Some people have asked me why I would get this type of surgery. Here's how I sum it up...
1. I've worn glasses/contacts since 2nd grade
2. I had every intention of getting Lasik, but because I'm so nearsighted it wasn't the best option for me, meaning I might not be happy with the results... and Lasik is irreversible.
3. My vision is -8. Most people have -1 to -4. Now multiply that by 2 and that's what I am. You know that giant letter on the top row at the eye doctor? yah well I've never been able to read that without contacts. Example:
So I am  WAS even worse than that little blur on the right.
4. Try taking your contacts out at the ranch

So now it's all behind me! I can't workout, garden, or lift anything for a couple weeks. I also have to continue with eyedrops a couple times a day. Minor inconveniences because I can SEE. What a blessing!!!!!

1 comment

  1. Hi, I am doing my homework and looking for other people's experiences on lasik and ICL surgery and came upon your post. Would you mind if I e-mailed you with some questions about your experiences with this?


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