Sprout in 3D!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013
We had our big 20 week "diagnostic" baby appointment today! An ultrasound tech looks at everything- including the heart & valves, spine, brain, liver, fingers, toes, etc. They take all kinds of measurements and tell you what's on the screen. For us, he steered clear of the girl/boy region because we're not finding out beforehand!!!

The images they come up with are quite impressive. Working in the oil industry, I couldn't help but think of this as "baby seismic acquisition."

Check out the pictures!

Baby was having a dance party during the ultrasound, the tech made some comments like "what an active baby." :)

We got a healthy report from the doctor and that is just a HUGE relief. It was so good to hear that news and see baby. She mentioned that Sprout was about 12 oz, which is in the 65 percentile for a baby of this age.

Halfway through the pregnancy now-- March here we come!!

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