Pumpkin Carving

Sunday, October 20, 2013
The Stone's and the Honas's came over for some pumpkin carving and smoked ribs, curtesy of Chef Ross. After we got the table covered with coloring paper (??), we got down to business... Baby B was helping a LOT.

Since we didn't have any patterns, we used the good ole world wide web for inspiration.

Complete! You scared yet?

Here's a 19 week bump and a 34 week bump

There was also an interesting craft project... Who knew it was so hard to make the right orange color?

The Stone's.

Me, Rachel, & Jolin

Group shot!

4 years ago: Just call me Marble Slab
3 years ago: For Sale!
2 years ago: Vancouver, Le Duex
1 year ago: Candied Pecans

1 comment

  1. Great pumpkins! My name is Heather and I just wanted to know if you could answer my question regarding your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)


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