I like to sign my full name, Elizabeth, rather than Liz because it reminds me of Grammie, also Elizabeth. She had the most beautiful cursive penmanship. I used to practice signing my name like her.
I'd like to make breakfast in bed a tradition with my grandkids one day. It was one of my most special memories that I have with Grammie. I would climb in her feather bed (the Nest) and Grampie would serve us chocolate or pumpkin "doughnies" with orange juice on a wicker tray that fit around my legs. It always had an artificial flower in a little vase, sitting in the corner. Then, I would show Grammie what the fairies left outside my door the night before. Usually it was an eclectic mix: stamps, stickers, pins, candy, games, puzzles, coins... and they became my little treasures.
I feel blessed that I will always have these memories. Thinking of you Grammie.
Please take a minute to re-read this blog post from last year.
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