Sneak Peek

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I often get asked how I find time to blog during the week, so I'm going to give you a peek "Behind the Scenes"...

I usually blog at night while I'm lying in bed about to fall asleep. That's why sometimes there's typos and run-on sentences. Afterall, gotta keep it real! Here's the typical set-up...

Shower- check
Alarm set- check
Retainers- check
Snoring grey one- check

Ross has been on the slope a couple days and Roma has moved into his spot on the bed without hesitation. Sometimes she stretches out her paw and types a couple words on my laptop. I like to encourage her creative side...

1 years ago: Shellac'ing
2 years ago: Low Country

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HBD to Claire and Ross!

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