Smelly Asparagus

Monday, April 9, 2012
Sometimes questions pop up into my head that Ross isn't always able to answer (crazy, I know). But, the internet is a beautiful thing and I can usually find an answer in no time flat. A quick word of caution: This does NOT apply to Web MD or other such similar self diagnosis type websites. We're going to go ahead and throw Pet MD in that mix too. I've learned from personal experience that the Dr is much more reliable (and accurate :) ).

Anyway, the random question of the day stems from my dinner- a side of roasted asparagus.... Here we go, the blog is going to a whole new level of intimacy today...

"Why does asparagus make pee pee smell so funny???? Am I crazy or is this legit??"
Straight from Wikipedia:
"There is debate about whether all (or only some) people produce the smell, and whether all (or only some) people identify the smell. A 2010 study found variations in both production of odorous urine and the ability to detect the odour, but that these were not tightly related. It is believed most people produce the odorous compounds after eating asparagus, but only about 22% of the population have the autosomal genes required to smell them."

Whew, I feel so much better knowing that other people have had the same question!! Apparently I have the asparagus autosomal genes-- you know something new about me. Do you have this gene too?? If you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about, congratulations you don't have the gene.

On another note, you should definitely click on the "Big Movie Premier" link below and get your daily dose of Roma-- it's a video! (be sure and pause music player at the bottom first)

1 year ago: Tree Faces
2 years ago: Roma's Big Movie Premier!

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