Mason Baby

Saturday, December 24, 2011
Ross and I got to spend some time with Robby, Steph, and Mason as we passed through Houston over the holidays. He is such a big boy now!! Talk about an arm workout... (Maybe that's why Steph is so skinny already?) Anyhow, Mason is quite the character and loves to play silly games with Dad. We also got to witness Mason's first bite of meat- roasted chicken breast. He's gonna be a great little carnivore, however it was not love at first bite. He seemed to miss his fruit puree.

Here's a couple "Before and After" photoshop pictures of baby boy Mason:

Before: SOOTC (straight out of the camera)


Before: SOOTC

After: Go Rice Owls!

iPhone pic at Central Market... first bite of chicken.

What a cutie!

1 comment

  1. We had such a great time visiting and cooking with y'all! We will get on Africa details soon and let you know what we come up with regarding Cape.


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