Fish'in with Family

Monday, May 30, 2011
We have visitors! Adam, Ross's brother, and his wife Danielle flew up to Alaska last week. We planned a weekend roadtrip to Homer, AK- a place none of us had ever visited. It was a scenic drive, a bit cloudy, but we were most concerned about the weather the following day because we had an offshore fishing excursion planned. We went out for half day of Halibut fishing and the other half was spent trying to snag the elusive King Salmon.

We saw so many Bald Eagles! I think we counted 10- just in one spot along the water.

We stopped at Anchor river to try our hand at getting Kings. No luck. But we did get the new fishing gear wet. I need some girl waders. Ross's boots were a little too big...

Danielle and I gave up earlier than the boys. It was cold.

Check out the view from our condo! Right on the beach!

Early morning boat ride.

Ross telling stories.

The clouds dissipated as the day wore on.

I'll post some pictures from our big fishing day tomorrow. For now, here's a preview!


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