The main trail winds through the trees and then you can walk back on a frozen lake. Amazing. Roma thinks so too. She likes to
After our first trip, we realized it was completely normal to see moose at this dog park. The dogs just know not to mess with them. Instinct? or is it because the moose are 10 times they're size. Yep 700+ lbs. I snapped some pictures...
See how moose can be tricky to spot among the brush?
Cow and calf eating lunch.
Towards the end of our walk Ross and I were talking about New Year's Resolutions... the next thing I know there is a Moose immediately to our left, making huffing noises, and starting to come at us!! Ross yelled, I got behind a tree, and the moose walked back to his spot to continue eating. I'm pretty sure my heartrate was the highest it's been in awhile. In retrospect, we think Roma (who was in front of us) startled him, then the moose charged her, and then charged us. Thank goodness Mr. Moose decided we weren't worth pursuing beyond a couple steps. We just NEVER saw him in the brush. I don't think it helped that it was dusk (at 3:30pm).
We made a wide loop and got around him. I was able to snap some pictures once we were down the path...
One of the first things you learn up here is that moose are more dangerous to people than bears. The moose are more abundant and cause many car collisions. They look peaceful, but you really don't want to mess with moose-- you could get trampled.
Yes, so we had our scary moose story and now I'm hoping they're won't be anymore...
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