Roma's Boyfriend

Monday, September 6, 2010
We took a roadtrip to Nederland, TX to visit Scotty, Paige, and Smash. We watched the Texas vs Rice game from the comfort of the living room (rather than Reliant stadium) because Scotty had to have his appendix out earlier this week.  I may have been the only one wearing the burnt orange... but Texas pulled through :) Roma had a pretty spectacular weekend playing with her boyfriend.

Puppy SnoCones (aka crushed ice covered with beef stock)
Tag, you're it.
Look at Roma and look at Smash.. haha.
Those ears.
Follow the leader.
Floppy Ears are my favorite.

After a day of being chased around by a puppy with seemingly endless energy, Roma is pooped out. She's been sleeping all weekend. She's finally getting a taste of her own medicine. 

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