Chase Manhattan

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Got home from Charleston last night and had to pay lots of attention to Ross and Roma. I think they missed me very much....

Your FIRST dog always holds a special place in your heart. Chase is now 12 years old, but I still remember the day we got him. The breeder yelled "Chase, want a COOKIE!!?" and this little pup in the crowd turned his scruffy head and bolted, running full speed to that cookie.  It was love at first sight. He is still keeping my parents in check too. Chase helps mom clean up crumbs off the floor and snuggles up to sleep next to her, acting as a little heater. Then there's Dad and Chase.... Chase will follow Dad anywhere he goes. ANYWHERE. Sometimes I think that Dad favors Chase over Jeff and I :) Chase will always listen to Dad when no one else will, except when Dad starts yelling at sports games on TV. That's when Chase hides under the ottoman...

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