(Root) Beer

Tuesday, July 18, 2017
I took the girls to Steel City Pops a couple weekends ago to a) enjoy a popsicle 3 ways and b) buy lots of popsicles to bring home. There's cream based pops, fruit based pops, and drum roll.... cookie pops (cookie inside the cream pops). It's so hard to choose just 1, but when you get a box of 12 to take home you get to choose half the menu.

Anyway flash forward to a few days ago and Claire is helping me choose a popsicle to share:
Claire- "Mom what kind is this one?"
E- "That's Root Beer. Do you wanna have that one?
Claire looks at me with the most incredulous face...
Claire- "Mom I can't have beer! that's only for grown ups"

And then tonight at dinner:
E- "Should we share a popsicle for dessert?"
Claire- "Sure! Dad, do you want beer?"
R- "I like beer"
Claire- "I picked it for you!"

If I hadn't remembered the previous conversation and also told Ross about it, we literally would have had no idea how she made the jump from popsicle to beer. So cute.

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