Salmon Bake

Monday, April 4, 2011
On our roadtrip to Fairbanks a couple weeks ago, Jolin and I were able to convince fellow car ride companion, Chris Stone,  to host a Salmon Bake. You see, Chris was looking to get rid of last years salmon to make freezer room for the start of the upcoming season. (Get rid of salmon? I know. Almost doesn't compute. Life is tough here in Alaska... )

The Salmon Bake turned out to be the perfect guise for a surprise birthday party.

Chris didn't have a wine opener, but his alternative method worked out surprisingly well...

3 kinds of salmon: Red, King, and Silver.

I guess the caribou needed a party hat also.

 Jolin and I.

Chris Stone showing Vaughn an Eskimo game? With seal skin? Not sure.

Smile Vaughn!

Bye Bye great weekend...

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