Hiking Gear

Monday, April 25, 2011
The winter season and it's many recreational activities has come to a close. Ross had a bad snowboard fall and one of my cross country skis snapped... other than that, I would say our first winter in Alaska has been rather successful. I did have a couple "emotional moments" while trying to diversify my outdoor activity set, but I like to believe that's part of the breaking-in process. Next winter, I'll have a head start with the right cold weather gear. The shock (hopefully) will have worn off.  You'll have to check back with Ross for the full report a year from now. I'm optimistic, but I'm not betting any money just yet.

Needless to say, I am welcoming spring with open arms. I'm so ready for hiking, mountain biking, camping, fishing, running outside, and road biking. yay! However, new hobbies means new gear and that means $cha ching$ at REI all over again. On this trip our shopping basket included snow shoes, hiking poles, backpack, survival kit, bear spray, sleeping pads, sleeping bags, sleeping bag liners, first aid kit, bear bells. All in a days work.

Bear Spray

And just because... Here's my favorite dog:

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