
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Y'all it's Night #1 with no Paci for Paige. It could be a rough night with little P, but Claire Bear is having a slumber party at Granna's so we figured we should give it a go. It's 10:30 and we've had to go settle P three times already. Any bets on the final count in the morning?

On another note, when Ross took Claire's to Granna's house today they went by all the refineries in east houston and Claire says, "Daddy look at those volcanoes!" referring to the "steam" billowing out of the distillation columns. Guess we need to go to Hawaii again to show Claire what a volcano really looks like... :)

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HBD to Claire and Ross!

Such a fun birthday weekend for two of my favorites! Claire turned 8 and Ross turned… more than 8 :)  Date night picture--