Kids Say the Darnest Things

Sunday, September 11, 2016
My mommy friend Stephanie keeps an ongoing iPhone note of funny things that her kiddo says. I thought it was such a great idea I started documenting Claire-isms this week. Here's what we've got so far:
*Sees a picture of a bull in her book and asks me what is on the nose. I tell her that it's a gold ring and Claire says, "Bull has paci"
*Looking at a poop in the potty Claire says that it looks like a banana
*"See you Sunday!!" (No matter what day it is or what day she will actually see you)
*Claire says "No Maam" to anyone, including Daddy and Pop Pop
*We're going through a phase of saying "Walk Away".... I've caught Claire saying this to baby sister, her baby doll, and a mosquito. 
*Everytime Claire sees a picture of a piece of pie she calls it a taco. Everytime. 
*For a good month Claire would say "NeedWant" like it was one word. 
*Claire refers to baby Paige as her big sister. We have to remind her she's the big sister
*Saw a picture of a thanksgiving turkey and says "Where's the head go?"

This is a fun little project. I'm thinking this will be a regular segment on the blog :)

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