Pool with Granna

Monday, June 13, 2016
I'm going to caption a couple pictures:

Picture 1:
Granna: My grandgirls are so cute
Claire: Mommy and Daddy are always telling me to kick at the pool
Madison: The pool is fun

Picture 2:
Granna: Ok Claire, enough splashing, you're getting me all wet
Claire: Splashing is even more fun than I thought, I should definitely keep splashing
Madison: The pool is fun, but I'm completely wet now. Auntie Liz should have brought my bathing suit

Picture 3:
Granna: At last, no more splashing!
Claire: I can sing at the pool too.
Madison: What brand is that bathing suit Claire? Wonder if it comes in my size?

These cousins are going to create so many stories together! Granna is totally ready :)

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