
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween!!

Truthfully, I'm only a half-hearted fan of Halloween, but we'll revisit this topic another time.

I'm taking a "halfway through the pregnancy" Blog-Cation so that I can get my faithful blog readers some new material!



Bump at 20 weeks

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
I stopped by a local bakery for some fresh scones last weekend and a little girl in line in front of me said, "You look like you have a baby in your belly." Her momma looked super embarrassed and I said, "Lucky for both of us, I DO have a little baby in my belly!"

Kids are so perceptive. It's easy to forget what it's like to say anything and everything that comes to mind. So refreshing. A dose of kiddo honesty.

Sprout is the size of an artichoke, ~6.5 in and 10.6 oz. (However, from the detailed ultra sound earlier in the week we know sprout it a bit bigger than this!)


Babies and Bunco

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Emily hosted a family Halloween dress-up Bunco party last weekend. Ross was in Houston so Sprout and I went solo...

Me and Sprout with Kim and Chatham

Emily aka the hostess.

Sheesh, garden gnomes just want to eat their pickles sometimes.

Garden Gnome family

I usually don't win at those pure luck kinda games such as bingo, but by some random luck I rolled 2 "Buncos" and ended up the overall Bunco winner of the night. Yes! I'll take it! Emily always gives away sweet little prizes at her parties, so I was especially excited and found a Moose's Tooth gift card in the bag. I was thinking "Ross will be soooo excited!"

Happy (early) Halloween!

Shower for Baby Stone

Monday, October 28, 2013
My friend Rachel is about 3 months ahead of me on the "countdown to baby"-- she's due at the beginning of December. It's nice having someone to talk to who's a couple steps ahead!

Rachel had a baby shower on Saturday for the un-named baby boy (we don't know the name, but they do and that's what matters!).

This cake looked amazing, but even more surprising tasted amazing too! I went back for thirds :)

Diaper Cake.

The spread.

Diaper Wreath curtesy of Jolin

Rachel opening presents

Baby Stone is coming soon!

I imagine his pops will have him out fishing by next summer :)

Alaska Duck Hunting

Sunday, October 27, 2013
A couple weekends ago, Ross and Erik went duck hunting. I loaned Ross my camera and I hadn't gotten around to uploading the pictures until today.

I'm pretty sure that's Erik. Good Halloween costume.


Erik and his pup, Nellie.

I pretty much love the next round of landscape pictures :)

Captain Erik.


Looks like these boys had a great time and had some pretty amazing weather.

Sprout in 3D!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013
We had our big 20 week "diagnostic" baby appointment today! An ultrasound tech looks at everything- including the heart & valves, spine, brain, liver, fingers, toes, etc. They take all kinds of measurements and tell you what's on the screen. For us, he steered clear of the girl/boy region because we're not finding out beforehand!!!

The images they come up with are quite impressive. Working in the oil industry, I couldn't help but think of this as "baby seismic acquisition."

Check out the pictures!

Baby was having a dance party during the ultrasound, the tech made some comments like "what an active baby." :)

We got a healthy report from the doctor and that is just a HUGE relief. It was so good to hear that news and see baby. She mentioned that Sprout was about 12 oz, which is in the 65 percentile for a baby of this age.

Halfway through the pregnancy now-- March here we come!!

Bump at 19 weeks

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Sprout is the size of a mango (or heirloom tomato), ~6inches and ~8 oz.

So far, the hardest thing to "give up" during pregnancy has been the latte whenever I want it. Especially now that it's pumpkin spice latte season :)

Can't always crap Roma out.

"Ross, now you can eat the mango!!"

4 years ago: Sunny Skies
3 years ago: Emily's Baby Shower
2 years ago: Big Kitchen Reveal
1 year ago: Home Again

Kim's Baby #2 is A'Coming!

Monday, October 21, 2013
My buddy Kim is pregnant with Baby number 2! She's basically due any day now (the official date is early November). Emily hosted Kim's baby shower, which was a "quilt making" party. Everyone made a quilt square, then Emily was going to sew together to make it a blanket for new baby Chatham (or Parker?, we'll know the final name soon enough!).

Momma Kim

Here's the quilt square I made!

Emily made Chatham a fish themed diaper bag!

4 years ago: Sunny Skies
3 years ago: Emily's Baby Shower
2 years ago: Big Kitchen Reveal
1 year ago: Home Again

Pumpkin Carving

Sunday, October 20, 2013
The Stone's and the Honas's came over for some pumpkin carving and smoked ribs, curtesy of Chef Ross. After we got the table covered with coloring paper (??), we got down to business... Baby B was helping a LOT.

Since we didn't have any patterns, we used the good ole world wide web for inspiration.

Complete! You scared yet?

Here's a 19 week bump and a 34 week bump

There was also an interesting craft project... Who knew it was so hard to make the right orange color?

The Stone's.

Me, Rachel, & Jolin

Group shot!

4 years ago: Just call me Marble Slab
3 years ago: For Sale!
2 years ago: Vancouver, Le Duex
1 year ago: Candied Pecans

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HBD to Claire and Ross!

Such a fun birthday weekend for two of my favorites! Claire turned 8 and Ross turned… more than 8 :)  Date night picture--