South America: The Food

Monday, October 4, 2010
Some of the culinary highlights from our trip:

Meal #1- Rio: We had a traditional meal at a Brazilian steakhouse that was highly recommended. I ordered tenderloin (aka filet mignon), which included TWO amazing slabs of beef. They serve all meals with a basket of assorted breads and beef comes with an slew of sides. However, we weren't really sure what to do with what. It definitely added to the adventure. Pickled onions, pico de gallo soup, pate, and panko type breadcrumbs with bits of dried meat in it... We found out later that you can put the breadcrumbs on your steak for some crunch.

The rice was some sort of stir fried concoction with eggs, noodles, and chives. YUM.

I discovered a new drink on this trip. It's called a Caipirinha and it's amazing. It's similar to a mojito, but there's no mint and its made with cachaca, a fermented sugar liquor, rather than rum.

Meal #2- Rio- MY BIRTHDAY MEAL! :) It was a fabulous meal. Dinner time in South America is much later. Most restaurants don't open until 8pm and the locals don't arrive till 9:30 or later. We generally ate around 8:30 and had the restaurants to ourselves for a good half hour. My birthday dessert was positively sublime. It goes in my Top 10 of all time, and that my friends is hard list to get on. I have quite a bit of experience with desserts :) Molten lava chocolate banana souffle with cinnamon ice cream and candied crunchy goodness sprinkled overtop. So good. Might be reason enough to go back...

Story Time: Most of the restaurants had an English menu and a Portuguese menu, however most of the waiters spoke very limited English. So what happens when you can't read the menu AND the waitress doesn't speak any English?? You order a drink thinking "Coco com leite" is "Coke Lite" (coke light is what we call diet coke here)... ummm, not so much. I found out that it's coconut with milk. Most of you know I can't stand coconut flakes (it's a texture thing), but this drink was smooth and creamy like a milkshake. Imagine a pina colada minus the alcohol. It was extremely ironic that I ordered coconut milk when I was just trying to order a soda, but I wound up loving it. Bottom's Up!
Ross was jealous...
But I shared.

Last Meal- Buenos Aires: We went out for a fine Argentinean affair the last night of our trip. Ross went for the lamb with sauteed mushrooms and spinach. I went for tenderloin with cauliflower puree. Divine.

Other Noteworthy Desserts: We had Dulce de Leche in every form we could get it!

Shall we go for a run? Anyone?

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