
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Seriously such a boring post title right? But just trying to keep it real. I currently have the 2018 Winter head cold that it feels like everyone has had.

I can vouch that expired NyQuil is not as effective as recent NyQuil. I messed around with some 2016 NyQuil on Days 1 and 2 before getting the good stuff on Days 3 and 4. It matters.

You're welcome :)

I've seen a couple people in my office building actually wearing face masks this week. Stay safe out there!


Remember when?

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
In the spirit of engagements, this sure does feel like a long time ago.

Ross proposed at the Houston Water Wall 10 years ago?!!

We look the same right? 😳


Jeff and Danielle are Engaged!

Sunday, January 28, 2018
There's only one thing to blog about today- my brother Jeffrey and his girlfriend Danielle got engaged over the weekend!

They were on a planned vacation in Nashville and Danielle thought they were on their way to a fundraising gala for cousin Courtneys non profit organization. Wha wha. Or a rooftop bar with an amazing view for an engagement?! Courtney and her friends took some amazing pictures/videos :)

Doctor Aldrich x2

The surprise at the restaurant was that all the parents were waiting there to celebrate!

I LOVE this ring :)

And family brunch the next morning...

Yay! My heart is so full and happy!

And by the way Uncle Jeff, Claire thinks y'alls wedding is going to be all about her and Danielle, so prepare yourself.

Fried Chicken

Wednesday, January 24, 2018
I realized that I hadn't done a blog post on Ross's latest hobby... I mean I've been blessed with a spouse who loves to cook, which is awesome, but even more specific Ross has been on a fried chicken quest. I'm no fried chicken expert and as a matter of fact it's not really my thing.

Until I tried the hot, fresh, buttermilk, Thomas Keller recipe that Ross has been perfecting. Thank goodness for workout class because these things are dangerous. #OccasionsOnly!

If you are feeling super adventurous in the kitchen (and want to dirty errr'y single dish) here's the recipe!

Claire's faces

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
I'd really like to establish a nickname for this Claire face....

Any ideas?
Squinty Smile, Intense Toddler, Glorious Glare, Claire Glare...


Monday, January 22, 2018
Claire loves going to the Zoo. Right now she is full of a million questions, so I'm sure it's funny to listen as we try to play knowledgable zoo keeper and provide answers.

"Why does the crocodile have teeth" - To eat his dinner
"Why is there water right there"- Because the animals are thirsty... on and on...

We visited the lion the longest. He was just pacing up and down the glass. The keeper said that he was new to the zoo and they were acclimating him.

Paige was NOT sure about the goats

There's a mommy and baby elephant.


Special Date Night: The Pass

Sunday, January 21, 2018
Ross and I went to a restaurant called Pass & Provisions on Saturday night for an extra special, celebratory date night. Perhaps even more notable, we dropped the boo boos off for their first solo slumber party with Gigi and Pop Pop, sans parents. Claire may have gone to bed at midnight, but eh, all is good.

The meal was amazing, a pre-fixe 5 course menu, with some other options for an added cost (sorry, caviar). There was also the option for a wine pairing or cocktail pairing to go with the menu. I went with wine and Ross went with the cocktail tasting.

Bay Scallops, served cold.

My date :)

This was my favorite course of the night, a tuna tartare.

Yes, I opted to get the shaved black truffles on top of the pasta dish. It was delicious.

Dessert was top notch. Who knew poached pears were so good?


Family PJ's

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
It was 17 degrees when we woke up this morning! Last time it was this cold in Houston was 1989 apparently. I headed into work about lunch time today.  The worst part of the commute was downtown, which was like a skating rink; the roads in between the buildings were so shady that the sun couldn't melt the ice.

Anyway flashback to our First Annual "Christmas Lights 'n' PJ's" Night, complete with ice cream because it was too hot for hot chocolate. So much fun.

Matching 'jams!


Houchorage Weather

Tuesday, January 16, 2018
The Houston weather sure made it feel like Anchorage today. The weather channel says it's 26 degrees right now. Roma has been shivering all day long... in the house. Schools, offices, airports, and restaurants were closed. The sleet/snow/rain/slush started at 9AM and lasted most of the day and it's all going to freeze tonight, so there could be more of the same tomorrow.


Dr. Paige

Monday, January 15, 2018
Look out Uncle Jeff, Dr. Paige is in the building...



Sunday, January 14, 2018
Here's the most recent installment of Claire-isms:

C: "Mom I need some more gasoline on my face" - She was trying to say VASOLINE

Ross: "Granna is on a cruise right now, which is a just really really big boat"
C: "Is she getting married?"- Claire has been obsessed with the Little Mermaid, Arial and the Prince get married on a big boat at the end of the movie

C: "There are so many girls in my life but only one boy"
Eliz: "Which boy is that?"
C: "My daddy"

C: "Mom you need to sit there and Dad needs to sit next to you because you're married"

I think they must have studied the number 1000 in school this week because everything is 1000. "Mom can you count to 1000?" "1000 times no" "I'll be ready for nap in 1000 minutes"

Eliz: "Please get your water cup and bring it over here"
C: "You can just get it Mom"

C: "Mom, let's see if these shoes fit"
Eliz: "They do but they're pink, with a big bow. Daddy won't like them"
C: "We do not have to tell him Mom"

C: "Mom, what do I need to eat to have a treat?"
Eliz: "Eat your asparagus"
C: "But MOM, they're so smelly"

C: "What's important?" - Claire goes around her plate asking if each item is important or not.

C: "It's so spicy Mom!?" -After taking a drink of my LaCroix

Claire has really been picking up on where we're going when we're in the car together. "Mom this is the way we go to get to church. Mom my dentist is in there right?" It's so neat to see her development!



Wednesday, January 10, 2018
I just love how happy everyone looks in these pictures, taken on Christmas Eve.

Today Claire says to me, "Mom what's the next holiday?". I think she is feeling some of the post-Christmas blues... What? No more lights?!

Dijon Pork Chops

Tuesday, January 9, 2018
I still remember a meal Ross and I had when we visited Munich, Germany years ago.

Sidenote- I couldn't remember the year we went so I looked back on the blog and viola, there it is. We went to Germany in 2009 during my birthday and Oktoberfest. I'm so thankful for this online diary!

Back to the story...
We were in a little neighborhood pub near the English Garten, nothing fancy, just good food and a memorable atmosphere. I ordered a Dijon Turkey dish and it was delicious. I feel like I have been on a quest to find a dijon sauce that reminded me of that meal.

I think this NYT recipe for Pork Chops with Dijon Sauce is the closest thing I've come to. It's not overly complex, but the sauce has great flavor. As a matter of fact, it's so great you should consider making a double recipe :) I served over brown rice.

Texas Sized Pork Chop!

This meal was kid tested and approved also :)



  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 4 1 1/4-inch-thick center-cut rib or loin pork chops, bone in
  •  Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • ¼ cup chopped green onions or shallots
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • ¾ cup chicken or veal stock
  • ½ cup heavy cream
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard (or more to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley(optional)


  1. Melt butter in the oil in a large deep skillet over high heat. Season chops with salt and pepper and add them, browning well, about 2 or 3 minutes a side, reducing the heat slightly if chops brown too quickly.
  2. Remove chops to a platter and pour off most of the fat. Add green onions or shallots and cook over medium-high heat until softened, about 1 minute. Add wine and bring to a boil, scraping brown bits off the bottom. Stir in the stock and return chops to the pan. Bring the sauce to a simmer, cover and cook until chops are tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the chops to a warm platter; cover with foil to keep warm. Raise the heat and boil pan juices to reduce by half, about 2 minutes. Add cream and boil 2 minutes more, until sauce reduces a bit and thickens. Remove from the heat and whisk in mustard and the parsley, if using. Taste and add more mustard if desired. Immediately spoon sauce over the chops and serve.


Lotta Girls

Monday, January 8, 2018
When Casey and Sara come over with their posse it becomes a full-fledged girl party real fast: Claire/Paige (3/1), Sydney/DJ (2/0), and Emma/Nora (4/2). There are princess conversations, baby dolls, and some wine drinking that takes place. Wait wine what? Exactly :)


Merry Christmas to Us

Sunday, January 7, 2018
Ross and I decided to gift ourselves something we've been wanting for awhile... an outdoor kitchen! It's nothing more than a built-in grill with a direct natural gas line, but it is just what we were wanting. Check out the progress pictures and the final result!

We used a stock granite for better prices.  I went to the granite store and these were my choices. Can you guess which one I chose?

I chose "Galaxy Yellow", in the middled on the right :) Wanted lots of movement in the granite so it hopefully wouldn't show dirt as easily.

Using Austin Limestone


Pilot Huebel

Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Not many people know how to fly a plane. And not many people can say they have a brother who flies airplanes. Ross can say yes to both these things. In fact, it creates quite a dilemma because when Ross and Adam get together and start talking about airplanes, no one else can understand what they're talking about. It's a sure fire way to clear the room. Ross also takes pride in his obscure airplane knowledge, which he likes to quiz Adam on.  You can see why the Huebel ladies know how to shop :)

Anyway, sometimes Adam will have to do "cross country" flights with the Reserves. These trips have an uncanny way of ending up in some pretty nice destinations. Occasionally the routes go over the ranch etc. :)

Maybe you’ve seen Adam too?!

Ali's Unicorn Bday

Tuesday, January 2, 2018
My little niece Alexandra turned 3 years old right after Thanksgiving, so we had a unicorn party at a park near our house. Fun family gathering.

Claire and Madison on the swings with Aunt Cindy BEFORE Claire took a nose dive off the swing when she tried to "pump" her legs and go higher.

Paige Renae.

Baby Levi.

Claire, Kenzi, Madison, Paige, (Ross), Ali

Adam + unicorn piñata = a happy bday girl

Shirt + Cake

Happy birthday Ali girl!

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HBD to Claire and Ross!

Such a fun birthday weekend for two of my favorites! Claire turned 8 and Ross turned… more than 8 :)  Date night picture--