
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Have you ever locked your keys in the car... while it was running? How about keys locked in car, while running, with a big grey dog in the backseat, in 4 degree weather?

Here's another one: Have you ever broken a car window? Umm, were you a car thief? Your OWN car window?

Yeeeeeeah so we got experience with all that this evening, so I'll be keeping this post very short because mornings sure do come early with a baby! We are all fine just a little unfortunate mishap.

1 comment

  1. Yikes! That's a total bummer. Anyway, I hope you get that car window patched up immediately, and that you get to the bottom of the situation as soon as possible. Oh well, things like that really happen in the most inopportune times. You just have to take the high road when dealing with them. Good luck!

    Lillian Jenkins @ Enterprise Glass Ltd.


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