Maui Sunset

Thursday, January 30, 2014
We had gorgeous, sunny weather while we were in Hawaii. Here are some Maui sunset pictures:


Bump at 32 & 33 Weeks

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Got the internet back! We had a fried modem, which they replaced...

At 32 weeks Sprout is the size of a pineapple. Baby is about 4 pounds this week. I've had so much heartburn- I chug Mylanta straight out the bottle. The doctor checked the position of the baby and said that the head is down in the right position for delivery. Hope it stays that way! We were in Hawaii during the week 32 photoshoot, how coincidental that it was the pineapple?? (it tasted delicious!)

At 33 weeks Sprout is the size of a honeydew melon. Baby is about 4.5 pounds this week. I'm feeling fat and immobile. It's a challenge to bend over. "Ross can you hand me my water?" haha. On that note, I go potty every 30 minutes and I can't seem to drink enough water. 

Only 6 more weeks to go!!!!!!!!!

Here's an updated slideshow:


January birchbox

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Out internet is still not working... So hard for a blogger :(

Guess what came in the mail today?? My January Birchbox! It looks like a good one too. 

I'm especially looking forward to trying out this nail polish. It's called "nail rock"-- you paint on normal looking polish then dip your fingers in a pot of dust to achieve a velvet effect on your nails. I pretty much didn't even know this existed... Trends take a little longer to reach Alaska :)


Maui iPhone pics

Monday, January 27, 2014
We're having internet issues at home. Honestly, it's seems like we've had internet issues ever since we moved into this house, which has prevented us from subscribing to Netflix streaming but that is a whole other story :) A gci rep is supposed to come fix on wed, so in the meantime here are some more iphone pictures of our trip to Maui. 

View from our balcony:

Great hike we went on in kapalua bay, right along the coast. 


Pregnant belly is getting HUGE!

Acai bowl, my favorite Hawaiian breakfast. 

We had a couples massage on the beach :)

Hope we'll kick this internet issue soon...

Return from Maui

Sunday, January 26, 2014
We just got home from a fabulous trip to Maui! It's one of the few places we've visited more than once. It was the most relaxation Ross and I have had in quite sometime. Lots more to come! 


Bump at 31 Weeks

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
At 31 weeks Sprout is the size of a melon. Baby is about 3.5 pounds this week. I've noticed more defined sleep/awake patterns. Seems like Sprout is most active right at bed time... sounds about right!

Ross was out of town last week, so I had to improvise, and the photos aren't as good. (See Ross--- I NEED you!)

8 more weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roma likes to sniff sniff every fruit/veggie. 

Here's the updated slideshow!


New Christmas Present

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Ross got me a video camera for Christmas! It's so little bitty compared the archaic VHS monstrosities of my childhood. It's not quite as small as my iphone, but it's small enough to easily get lost in a giant purse.

Here's a video from the baby shower. Please keep in mind I haven't graduated to the editing process just yet :)


Baby Shower- Collage

Monday, January 13, 2014
Here's some snapshots with the lovely ladies that were able to attend Sprout's Baby Shower:

Or shuffle that...

Thanks for everything!

Sprout's Baby Shower

Sunday, January 12, 2014
My friends threw me a fabulous baby shower over the weekend! There were no baby shower games (like tasting diaper doo doo), just good food, friends, and decorations. The colors were orange/grey/turquoise just like Sprout's nursery :) There was also a Safari theme going on, which was quite appropriate for Ross's baby.

Hello Noelle.

Craft: Decorating bibs.

The group

Most think it's a boy... we'll see!

Emily made a diaper bag for Ross, complete with Texans fabric.

Cute cow onesie.

Kirsty made an awesome Rhino cake, move over Cake Boss!

It was homemade funfetti cake inside, Kirsty you know me too well :)

Oh Happy Day!

Bump at 30 weeks

Wednesday, January 8, 2014
At 30 weeks Sprout is the size of a large cabbage. Baby will gain half a pound every week from here on out,  which means this belly is gonna be growing!

Here's the updated slideshow:


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HBD to Claire and Ross!

Such a fun birthday weekend for two of my favorites! Claire turned 8 and Ross turned… more than 8 :)  Date night picture--