iPhone Pictures

Sunday, August 4, 2013
Here are some random "July" iPhone pictures!

Seward AK: it's tourist time!

Seward AK

Seward AK: ladies hike'n'shop

Camper cuddle time with baby B.

Picking Skeeter and Fenway up from pup camp.

Fenway and Skeeter


I love Dove chocolate fortunes.

Kenai couples fishing

Miss Roma

Family picture

Daddy, scratch my belly?

After work fetch ball.

Roma was watching a bird from inside the screen door for about 10 min, then I heard a loud noise and went running to see Roma had pounced and gone through the screen. I *think* the birdie got away, but she was licking her lips a lot...

After playing fetch, this is what Roma does:

4 years ago: California Dream'in
3 years ago: Weekend Memories
2 years ago: Denali
1 year ago: Hike: Backside of Flat Top

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