New Orleans

Sunday, February 28, 2021
Had a fun getaway to New Orleans this weekend. We thought we were headed to Hot Springs, AR but the weather had other plans, so we headed East instead. Not sure I've ever booked a hotel so last minute. Not a typical NO visit because of COVID but we got lots of good take out and discovered the Crescent Park Trail (my new favorite NO "to do"). 

Mississippi River

View from our balcony :)



Wednesday, February 24, 2021

 Brene Brown was reflecting on the COVID devastation -

"Often a number like 500,000 seems too big to get our heads and hearts around. The loss seems incomprehensible. But as our friends, family, and neighbors reckon with their grief, and do so without funerals and many of the important witnessing rituals that are part of our healing, it's important to remind them that they are seen, loved, and not alone".

and she also posted this quote from author David Kessler- 

“Each person's grief is as unique as their fingerprint. But what everyone has in common is that no matter how they grieve, they share a need for their grief to be witnessed. That doesn't mean needing someone to try to lessen it or reframe it for them. The need is for someone to be fully present to the magnitude of their loss without trying to point out the silver lining.” —David Kessler

Thought these words were quite powerful- acknowledging that grief isn't a linear path, that it looks different for each individual, and that often what is needed most is for someone to be [fully] present- right there in the muckity muck.

Hoping we can all turn virtual hugs into real ones later this year...


Snow Angels

Tuesday, February 23, 2021
I try to keep the Hammock upbeat, but certain days/weeks/seasons it is a real challenge. Today just got to me... It was one of those days that I just need to acknowledge has not been my favorite. But what always makes my days better is editing/seeing pictures of 2 cutie little girls. I hope their [snow] smiles bring you a smile also!


Snowmageddon '21

Monday, February 22, 2021

 This past week I heard our house creak and crack in the cold in ways I've never heard before (and she's about 10 years younger than myself, haha). I have to say I never thought I'd see our house covered in white snow!

The girls had a blast hunting for icicles. I was only able to convince them NOT to lick the icicles by bribing them with hot chocolate instead. With marshmallows or no deal. 


Graeme's Run 2021

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Graeme's Run 2021 was a success! Robby and Steph and the Katy community do such an awesome job with this event, even though 2021 threw in some real curve balls with the Snowpocalypse and Covid. You can read more about the event and a very special little one named Graeme, here.


Arctic blast

Monday, February 15, 2021
“Many parts of west Texas are colder today than temperatures in anchorage Alaska” ... what?!

Good ‘ole 2021 Arctic blast. So thankful that we still have power, as half of houston without it. 


Creamy Beef Shells

Wednesday, February 10, 2021
When Ross is gone, the girls always ask for mac'n'cheese. Always. This Creamy beef shells is like a grown up, meat lovers version of the classic but something the kids will still love...
"Mom this is so good"
"I just want to eat the whole bowl up"
"Can I have thirds?"


I'm not a cat!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

 Y'all have you watched this video yet?

I mean I just.. can't even. I think it's because I've just seen so many things I never thought I would see in this Zoom/MS Teams revolution. I mean I can't count the number of times I've been on mute when I didn't realize I was. In one meeting a woman didn't realize she WASN'T on mute and started pumping... i mean if you know, you'd recognize that sound anywhere. 


Morning After Snow

Monday, February 8, 2021

 Check out how beautiful the ranch looks the morning after a snow storm!


Hello Monday

Sunday, February 7, 2021
Good bye weekend. Here’s some snapshots- 


Snow Day

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

 The kids were thrilled to have a [Texas] snow day!

It was so cold. Where's the Alaska garb when you need it?

It was snowing sideways and windy.

We all needed to be dressed like... er..  that person in there.


Snowball Fight

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

We got to experience a decent snow storm while we were at the ranch a few weeks ago. The girls were so excited. Claire kept saying "I'm not even cold because I was born in Alaska!" but once her gloves got wet she was singing a different tune. Gigi and Pop helped the kiddos make a snow man and they had to have a carrot for the nose :)

And then the snowball fights started. 

Check out this series of animations... first dad gets the snowball.

Then launches it in the air. 

Then smashes Claire right in the face.

Zooming in... BOOM!

And the giggles.

"Mom pop pop got me right in the face!"



Monday, February 1, 2021

 You looking for a recipe that tastes like take-out food but isn't? A relatively easy weeknight meal? Something that even kiddos enjoy? (ok let's be honest, macaroni will always be their favorite) If yes, then you should check out this "elevated" Mushroom Ramen Recipe. Not sure why, but I was tired of meat this week, so some vegetarian recipes made it into the weekly meal planning. 

And on a separate, but related note, new Houston restaurant alert! We haven't eaten at a restaurant since March, but we've still managed to have some pretty nice meals at home thanks to the fine dining take-out revolution that is a product of 2020. Here's my [personal] take-out ranking thus far:

1. Theodore Rex

2. Uchi

3. Kata Robata

4. Rosie Cannonball (pic below)

5. Roost

More sampling needed! I'll update the list if we find some other good places :)

The little ones are expanding their horizons with restaurants we wouldn't normally take the "under 6 crowd". haha :) At home, we usually eat in the dining room and call it a "fancy" meal where we have to be on best behavior. The girls like to set the table and assign seats. 


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HBD to Claire and Ross!

Such a fun birthday weekend for two of my favorites! Claire turned 8 and Ross turned… more than 8 :)  Date night picture--