Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 27, 2015
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas full of family, friends and food!! Regular blog posting schedule will start back up in the new year. 2016 oh my!!


Ice Cream and Pop Pop

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Claire has some favorite things and two of them are in this picture: Pop Pop and ice cream...

When Claire says ice cream it sounds more like "ssss cram" but she makes it extra clear when she goes over to the freezer and points.

And her Pop Pop listens. He always listens :)

On that note, I could really go for a milkshake right now :)

Funny Lotion Story

Monday, December 14, 2015
Last night as I crawled into bed, I realized hadn't moisturized (for all you guys, that basically means that I forgot to put on lotion), which is a crucial post leg shave step in skin care. So I fumbled in the dark back into the bathroom where I got a couple pumps of lotion, rubbed it all over my legs- I had some extra so I put on my arms and crawled back into bed. A few minutes later my legs started burning and I could smell an "ocean breeze" scent. "Hmmm I thought, that's odd because my lotion doesn't smell like that... Oh no!" I jumped out of bed and confirmed that I had indeed just rubbed hand soap all over my body.  You see the hand soap sits right next to the lotion in my bathroom. Epic Fail. I had to re-take the shower I had already taken.

I hope this story made you laugh. But, I also hope it makes you think twice when you go to get some lotion in the dark!!

Girls weekend

Sunday, December 13, 2015
Home with mommy this weekend while daddy went to the ranch- to provide food for the family of course... :) good thing Gigi was able to help out! This little girl has so much energy!



Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Ross and I did a quick Midland trip to attend my company Christmas Party yesterday. Little Missy hung out with Gigi and Pop Pop while we were gone. Have I mentioned how nice it is living close to family? It's the BEST!!

Since we flew back on a 6 AM flight we're exhausted. Early bed time. Over and out!

Tis the Season

Monday, December 7, 2015
Does this outfit get you ready to deck some halls and hang some mistletoe or what??!

Yep, Claire is reading her new "Potty" book. I think we read it 10 times last night. My favorite part is when the little boy in the book says "I really have to go, should I go in my diaper?" and Claire says "No No". We are easing into the concept of the potty...

Christmas Cards

Sunday, December 6, 2015
Have you ordered family Christmas Cards yet this year? I debated what company to use however I always seem to come back to Shutterfly. It's a comfort factor because I've used them before.  What company is your favorite? I would like to try Minted- I've been impressed with the uniqueness of their cards. Last year I only sent out a handful of cards because I handmade them. Not happening this year. No way. I also don't have my Stamp Club buddy Sierra to motivate me. And then of course I did things last minute and had to hit "submit" within the hour to get the 20% Shutterfly discount. So if you don't get a card it's because I didn't have your address in my phone. Blame it on Shutterfly! :)

Here's a sneak peak picture.

Friend Jim took the pictures and I did the post-processing. Roma wasn't able to make it in the pictures this year because we had our handful with little missy.

There were so many people at the park that day getting their family pictures!

iPhone picture round up!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
"Momma Up Up Up"

Decorating Christmas cookies at Church

Claire and her cousin Madison discussing socks

Claire loves wearing jackets

Claire and cousin Madison in their PJ's

Carousel at the Zoo 

Petting Zoo, mainly goats

Happy Thursday Y'all!

Guest Blog

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Hi. This is Ross. My wife has been working away on sending Christmas cards tonight and I was informed that I was going to be a guest blogger. This is an idea we've talked about in the past. We thought perhaps I'd step in and write an account of a sheep hunt in AK or something similar where I had a unique story. That was a nice idea and all, but I realllly like it when Liz blogs. She does such a good job and it is easy for me. But considering that she just put down her computer from working on the Christmas cards to go pack Claire's breakfast, it's the least I can do.

I'll use this opportunity to thank her for doing this every week night (and no, she is not paying/threatening me to do this). I've known several people who have taken on blogging but found the effort to be too hard to sustain, and I completely understand. It isn't an easy job, especially when it comes to editing pictures like she does. I can't count the number of nights I've fallen asleep in bed while her fingers are tapping on her laptop next to me. Like a sound machine that produces a wonderful account of our last 7 years while I snooze. It's our family's diary, but so much better because of her love of photography and picture editing. It's also been a great repository for our favorite meals we've cooked. The most common way I look up a recipe is to either go to her blog or to the food network website. It's the first thing I look at in the morning whenever I log onto my computer and is a great start to the day. My favorite part of it though, is randomly clicking on a date on the right side of the webpage and going back in the past to see what we were doing as a family. I have found it to be a really nice way to escape the hustle of daily life, slow down time, and remember how great/beautiful/sad/adventurous our life has been.

Liz always chides me for being too verbose in my writing. My emails and texts are always too long for her, and I'm sure my guest post will be the same. But that's the benefit of being the author. Plus, I can't do too well as a guest blogger or I'll be asked back more often!

Fire Trucks

Monday, November 30, 2015
Today we found out that our fire department has an excellent response time...

Our housekeeper was at our house doing the usual oven clean cycle except our Thanksgiving feast left the oven dirtier than normal causing excessive smoke, which then led to the fire alarms going off. When we moved into the house and set up the security system, we also linked the fire alarms to the panel. So if the alarms go off for an extended amount of time, it places a call the the alarms company who also dispatches the police/firemen. I called the housekeeper when I got a warning on my phone and she told me everything was fine, but when the alarm company called me, they had already phoned in the brigade. Anyway, by the time Ross was able to get home (and he only works a mile away) there were 4 cops, a firetruck, and 2 fireman in front of our house. The firemen were all suited up with crowbar and ax in hand, ready to bust in the front door. 

So there's some Monday excitement for you. It's events like this where I feel like I work so far away because I couldn't just get home to check on things. Good thing Ross is nearby. It is also reassuring to know that the firemen/policemen are so quick in responding. 

Cyber Monday

Sunday, November 29, 2015
I'm laying in bed late on a Sunday night and I can't stop perusing online deals, just to "make sure" I'm not missing that elusive thing that I don't know that I need, but I might... So far my favorite deal is the code "CYBERMON" on Amazon which gets you 30% off on select items. Apparently they are going to have a week long sale, so if this one doesn't tickle your fancy you can check back all week. Anyway I bought a pair of shoes for Claire a couple sizes too big. That's necessary right? :)

How was your Thanksgiving? We had a nice time seeing family, eating, celebrating birthdays, enjoying cool weather, road trips in my new car, playing chalk & bubbles, and to top it off Claire got to play in the SNOW at the Christmas festival at church. It didn't exactly snow, but there was snow and that's what counts. Oh and Claire learned how to say "Jesus" today. Super cute!

Claire was so so so mad when we pulled her out of the snow to go inside. Screaming. Kicking. Writhing. The hot chocolate helped ease the pain.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2015
I'm taking the week off from blogging to enjoy the downtime with family and friends! See you in a week... Happy Thanksgiving!

For each new morning with its light, 
For rest and shelter of the night, 
For health and food, 
For love and friends, 
For everything Thy goodness sends. 

- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Goodbye 4-runner

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
The 4-runner has been such a great car for our family. From starting in negative degree weather in Alaska to surviving all the interior modifications only a giant Weimaraner can offer. It is bittersweet saying goodbye but we found a good owner looking for a low mileage 4 wheel drive SUV (aka my coworker). It's time. I took my last drive in it today. 

And I took my first drive in my new Volvo! The ultimate 7 seater mom car...


No computer

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Still waiting on a computer check- up!

But it's easier to wait when you have a cute baby picture. This pig-tail gem is my phone screen saver right now :)


Broken computer

Monday, November 16, 2015
My computer is having issues- the mouse is moving around the screen all by itself. It's possessed! I made an Genius Bar appointment on Friday to get this ghost situation looked at, so in the meantime blog posts may be sporadic. 

How about this time hop picture to keep you satisfied? :)

Love looking back at sweet memories!

Barcelona sights

Sunday, November 15, 2015
Barcelona was such a fun city. Here are some more sights from our trip a couple months ago!

Doesn't this castle look like it belongs in a Disney movie?

View of Barcelona from a nearby mountain

This picture needs some explanation. During the Merce festival there is one night were there is a "Fire Run." It's basically a parade of floats, however the floats carry sparklers and fireworks. Alongside dance "devils"spraying the crowd with fireworks. Ross and I attended the earlier, kid friendly version (not the late night adult parade) and I was so scared! You're supposed to wear protective clothing but we did not; the fireworks were loud and sprayed into the crowd. It was not my favorite thing, but I am glad we stayed for a little preview to see what it was all about.

Bell Tower on the Cathedral of Barcelona

I hope to visit Barcelona again one day!

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HBD to Claire and Ross!

Such a fun birthday weekend for two of my favorites! Claire turned 8 and Ross turned… more than 8 :)  Date night picture--